Monday, February 28, 2011

Pre-marital sex is not a sin

     “There is absolutely nothing in the bible forbidding premarital sex. It is one of the traditions that are man made to control people” (Liberated Christians).
     Pre-marital sex, as what our parents, teachers and religious liberals have taught us, it is a union of one flesh between a man and woman before marriage. It is mostly sex without commitment. Traditionally, we were educated that it is intrinsically evil and should be avoided since it is against the natural law which reserves the sexual act to marriage.
     Most religious liberals consider pre-marital sex as sinful. According to them (What does the bible say about sex and lust), “there are different terms in the bible that describe pre-marital sex as a sin. One way is the term fornication”. Fornication, as the dictionary defines it, is a sexual intercourse between a man and woman who are not married to each other. They say that the degree of evil depend very much on the involvement of the man and woman. It is often a sort of exploration and rather irresponsible playing of sex without real commitment. Hence, the sexual act is reserved only to committed relationships.
     Teenage years is also a point in time when person seek intimacy or in their wanting to discover themselves get involve in pre-marital sex. These are the ones who felt unloved by their own family, who are insecure about their personalities, grew up with no father and the ones who do it as an act of rebellion.
     The study also says that (Pre-marital sex high among Filipino youth, 2007) close to 4 million youngsters are engaging to pre-marital sex aged 15-24 with 30% of the respondents doing it in their own homes while 18% were doing it inside motels and hotels. We grew up with an awareness that a sexual activity before marriage should be avoided because it may lead to a girl becoming pregnant, and to the problems which will follow.
     Yet, my head was bugged when I heard my Moral Theology professor discussed about pre-marital sex as not a sin. He said that on the other hand, a problem is different for a young man and woman who already have a long relationship, are committed to one another, but can not yet marry because of circumstances like studies, finances, family, etc.
    “Some theologians”, he said, “use the term pre-nuptial sex when the sexual act is one-flesh union between a man and woman, who have through time proven their commitment of enduring and public responsibility to each other. In this manner, pre-marital sex is morally justified.
    In matters like pre-marital sex, we can not just condemn the persons involved because everyone says that it is a sin or the bible says it is evil. We should be intelligent enough to discern how to judge the act; what are their motivations, reasons behind it and the circumstances in which the act was done.

1 comment:

  1. Sex before Marriage is NOT a sin from the Bible.
    Check out my web pages for more details.
    They have the WRONG definition for the word “fornication”, They say it mean single sex or sex before marriage to a “one man, one women” marriage. This is clearly the WRONG definition.
    Man made dictionaries only reflex how people are using or misusing the word at that time. ST. Paul definition the word “fornication” in 1 Cor 10:8 and the definition is found in Number 25: 1-9. This is clearly the correction definition of the word “fornication” which is the misusing your sexual freedom that God gave all people at creation to have many sex partners over a life time, was misused by joining in the worship of a pagan fertility god, one of Baals many gods. Joining in the Worshiping a pagan fertility god is NOT equal to sex outside marriage. There is a major big different. This was a major problem in all the Bible days, both OT and NT.
    Godly men had lot of God given sexual freedom in all the Bible and now, but NOT to join in with the pagan fertility god worship which was a great temptation in all the Bible. Read 1 Cor 10:8, Nu 25:1-9, Nu 31
    On my web pages i go over 100% Bible verses that use the word "fornication" and show each time the context and meaning is the joining in the pagan worship of the fertility god. This is very clear.
